"Representing Horsemen & Women Racing Across New Mexico"
NMHA by-laws
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The New Mexico Horsemen's Association is comprised of 3,000 racehorse owners and trainers who race their horses in New Mexico. Incorporated as a not-for-profit corporation in 1966, the Association promotes the livelihood, welfare and health of its members who race in New Mexico. For over a half-century, the Association has actively protected and promoted the rights and interest of New Mexico's horsemen and women.
New Mexico Racing continues to be a part of the fabric of the culture of New Mexico and is one of the best entertainment values in the state.
- The NMHA was successful in getting legislation mandated where one-half of one percent waged on simulcasting goes to the Association for distribution as follows: Half of this amount goes back to purses (ITW money) at the track where it was generated; the other half goes to the medical fund of the Association to be used for medical benefits for owners, trainers and back-side personnel.
- The NMHA medical benefits are one reason the state has not imposed Workmen's Compensation on owners and trainers in the state, saving them approximately $20 million in the past 18 years.
- The NMHA was instrumental in getting laws exempting owners and trainers from gross receipts tax. Each year the NMHA lobbyist in Santa Fe tracks all legislative bills which could impact racing, The NMHA assisted in getting the gaming bill passed in the 1997 legislative session.
- The NMHA, through mediation, has agreed with track managements that they will no longer take 5% simulcast expense adjustment fee, but will settle on flat cash fee for their expenses for out-of-state simulcast wagering, which means less money taken away from purses.
- The NMHA has representatives at all New Mexico State Racing Commission meetings to address the concerns of horsemen. We act as liaison with the track management and work with them regarding ant problems affecting the horsemen.